Thursday, February 10, 2011

Conversations with Lauren and the Eighth Tooth

Last Saturday, Evan lost his eighth tooth. Yes, it was the eighth one. He and his friends talk about how many teeth they've all lost and they keep track of who's who when it comes to loosing the most teeth.

Today, Lauren wanted her zhu zhu pet off of the dining table.

Lauren: (pointing to the hamster) "Thank you!"

Me: "You want your hamster?"

Lauren: "Thank you!"

Me: "Okay, say ham-ster"

Lauren: "Ha...ha."

Me: "Ham-ster."

Lauren: "Hap-py."

Me: "Ham-ster."

Lauren: "Ham-ham."

Close enough! I handed her the hamster. She said "thank you."

Even earlier today...
Me: "Lauren, are you ready to eat?"

Lauren: ""Eat?"

Me: "Would you like some breakfast?"

Lauren: "Eat?"

Me: "Come on, let's get some breakfast."

Lauren: "Snack?"

Me: "Pan-cakes?"

Lauren: "Snack, drink, drink, drink, drink?"

Me: "Here are your pan-cakes."

Lauren: "Eat?" "Snack?"

Me: "Pan-cakes."

Lauren: "Can-canes. Thank you."

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