Summer 2008 hanging out in the back yard playing in the water...
Jasmine too...
Puppy dog ears made at pre-school in Miss Michelle's class...
Also summer 2008...the newest two-wheel bike rider on the block!
2008 Delco Park...
August 2008...first day of kindergarten...
First day of kindergarten in front of the BCLC...
Camping with the cousins...Labor Day 2008
Halloween 2008
Evan's Wall-E cake for his sixth birthday, Feb. 2009
Opening gifts
Fire trucks show up to his sixth birthday party!
Evan shaving with his Sponge Bob wanna-be razor in the hotel we lived in for two months...he thought he was really shaving! Too cute!
Lauren's first kiss from her big brother!
Lauren at home
Evan just before his graduation from kindergarten ceremony at BCLC...
Receiving kindergarten diploma from Ms. Marcia
Catching lightning bugs after a day of playing in the water, summer 2009
Evan's first year of playing a team sport! T ball!
This was taken outside on the back patio. She was in her pack-n-play watching her brother and I play outside, but she fell asleep! It was HOT that day!

A photo of the little hand that now attempts to yank my curtains off the wall!
Blowing bubbles summer 2009
I will be posting more oldies but goodies...come back soon!
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